We're given a VIP tour of some extremely impressive facilities within Gulfstream Aerospace, where we interview a wide range of employees. We begin with a focus on engineering but quickly learn there are a variety of employment opportunities available at Gulfstream. And if you’ve ever wondered how planes fly, this video will help, as our experts explain Bernoulli's Principle. Of course, once you know how they fly, you’ll want to know how fast they go. That’s why we also include explanations of the terms mach and supersonic.

Gulfstream Aerospace

Gulfstream Aerospace

We're given a VIP tour of some extremely impressive facilities within Gulfstream Aerospace, where we interview a wide range of employees. We begin with a focus on engineering but quickly learn there are a variety of employment opportunities available at Gulfstream. And if you’ve ever wondered how planes fly, this video will help, as our experts explain Bernoulli's Principle. Of course, once you know how they fly, you’ll want to know how fast they go. That’s why we also include explanations of the terms mach and supersonic.



Analyze and interpret data of two-dimensional motion with constant acceleration.

  • Resolve position, velocity, or acceleration vectors into components (x and y, horizontal and vertical).
  • Add vectors graphically and mathematically by adding components.
  • Interpret problems to show that objects moving in two dimensions have independent motions along each coordinate axis.
  • Design an experiment to investigate the projectile motion of an object by collecting and analyzing data using kinematic equations.
  • Predict and describe how changes to initial conditions affect the resulting motion.
  • Calculate range and time in the air for a horizontally launched projectile.

Social Studies


Evaluate the economic impact of various industries in Georgia including agricultural, entertainment, manufacturing, service, and technology.

1. Why would a company like Gulfstream be so secretive about its newest products?

2. Although the luxury products made by Gulfstream may be beyond the reach of many consumers, much of what they do is applicable elsewhere. How can the research and products made by Gulfstream be utilized in other areas and industries?

Bernoulli's Principle: a theory that explains airplanes fly because the pressure above the wing is less than the pressure below the wing

Anechoic: without an echo

Mach: used to indicate the high speed of something (such as an airplane) by comparing it to the speed of sound

Supersonic: faster than the speed of sound

Altitude: the height of something (such as an airplane) above the level of the sea

Acoustics: the qualities of a room (such as its shape or size) that make it easy or difficult for people inside to hear sounds clearly : acoustic qualities

Elasticity: able to return to an original shape or size after being stretched, squeezed, etc.