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Business and Employer Summit Hosted by GDOL
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The Georgia Department of Labor and the Metro Atlanta area employer committees are co-hosting a special summit for business owners, managers, hiring professionals and supervisors.
The North-South Metro Atlanta Business and Employer Summit will be held on Wednesday, April 23rd from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral Conference Center located at 2500 Clairmont Road.
State Labor Commissioner Mark Butler, including additional experts, will address unemployment insurance regulations, healthcare compliance, newly passed legislation and other important topics that impact today's business owners.
"We took a look at the feedback from last year's summits, and have put together an agenda that addresses the needs, concerns and questions of Georgia's business professionals," said Commissioner Butler. "These vummits are designed not only to provide business professionals with expert advice on issues that have a major impact on them now, but they also provide a chance to network with employers and business owners from the nearby area."
For registration information, please click HERE.
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