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Live Chat With an Expert During The Story of the Jews Marathon Sunday
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On Sunday, August 17 from 2 p.m. - 8p.m., we’re airing the documentary series “The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama” in its entirety.”
From 6 p.m.- 8p.m., you will be able to chat with Jeremy Katz, Archives Director of The Breman Museum about jewish history and culture. Just scroll down and type your name in the chat box as well as your question. Katz recently returned from a trip to Israel and can share insights into what life is like there right now.
In a recent blog post, he gave his personal reflections on the series and shared how his first trip to the nation had a big impact on his future career.
In “The Story of the Jews” prize winning author and Emmy winner Simon Schuma brings to life Jewish history and experience.
The five part-documentary draws on primary sources which include the Elephantine papyri, a collection of 5th century BC manuscripts illuminating the life of a town of Jewish soldiers and their families in ancient Egypt; the astonishing trove of documents – the Cairo Geniza – recording the world of the medieval Jews of the Mediterranean and Near East; the records of disputations between Christians and Jews in Spain, correspondence between the leader of the Arab revolt during the First World War, Emir Feisal and the leader of the Zionist movement Chaim Weizmann.
Schama talks about the turning points of the drama with living witnesses like Aviva Rahamim who as a 14 year old walked across the Sudanese desert to try and reach Israel; Yakub Odeh, the Palestinian whose village was destroyed in the war of 1948, and Levana Shamir whose family members were imprisoned in Egypt at the same time.
Live Blog The Story of the Jews Live Chat with Jeremy Katz of The Breman Museum
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