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Live Chat Sunday: Watch Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode 4 With Us
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“This season of #DowntonAbbey #DowntonPBS (needs) to come with a "watch with a friend" warning. No 1 should be alone to watch @BahamaMamato2” says @goldilocks831 on Twitter. We hear you! That’s why Sunday at 8:45 p.m. you can join us right here to chat and watch together - just scroll down and type your name in the chatbox.
This is definitely a season that should not be watched solo given all of the plot twists. Spoiler alert: Don’t read this one paragraph recap if you haven’t watched Downton Abbey episode 3! You can watch it here.
When last we left our beloved Downton Abbey, Anna and Bates were becoming more estranged because of her refusal to tell him about being raped; Tom Branson dodged being trapped into marriage by Edna; Lady Mary refused Lord Gillingham’s proposal and may regret it and Edith spent the night with her married boyfriend.
Here is a video of the cast summing it up for you. What will happen next? Let’s watch and chat Sunday to find out. Look forward to it.
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