Brandie Hall administers a viral coronavirus test at a July 2020 testing pop up site at the St. Paul AME church parking lot in Macon.
Credit: GPB News/Grant Blankenship
Brandie Hall administers a viral coronavirus test at a July 2020 testing pop up site at the St. Paul AME church parking lot in Macon.
Professor Amber Schmidtke, @AmberSchmidtke, medical educator and public health microbiologist
Dr. Carlos del Rio, @CarlosdelRio7, executive associate dean, Emory School of Medicine and Grady Health System
Professor Rodney Lyn, Dean of School of Public Health, Georgia State University
1. Who's at risk of getting COVID?
LISTEN: Carlos Del Rio speaks on the population being hospitalized.
2. Vaccine rollout likely confused the public.
LISTEN: Carlos Del Rio on the importance of boosters.
3. The pandemic worsened health care disparities.
LISTEN: Rodney Lyn speaks on Black maternal deaths.
4. How ready are we for the next pandemic?
LISTEN: Amber Schmidtke on misinformation.
Monday on Political Rewind: The AJC's Patricia Murphy joins the panel.