Gov. Brian Kemp gives the thumbs up to supporters as he officially submits paperwork at the state Capitol to run in the 2022 gubernatorial election.


Gov. Brian Kemp gives the thumbs up to supporters as he officially submits paperwork at the Georgia Capitol to run in the 2022 gubernatorial election.

Credit: Riley Bunch / GPB News

The Panel: 

Amy Steigerwalt —Professor of political science, Georgia State University

Charles Bullock — Professor of political science, University of Georgia

Donna Lowry — Host, GPB-TV’s Lawmakers

Kevin Riley — Editor,  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


The Breakdown:

1. Republicans in the Georgia House propose an election security bill. 

  • HB 1464 would allow public inspections of ballot boxes and allow the Georgia Bureau of Investigations to target election fraud.
    • The bill could get a vote from a committee as soon as today.
  • Opponents of the bill say that SB 202, which passed last year, already addresses election security concerns.

Dr. Amy Steigerwalt gave us the rundown on what is in the last-minute elections bill in the General Assembly.

2. Incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp qualifies for reelection run.

  • His chief GOP challenger, David Perdue, qualified on Wednesday.
  • Democratic rival Stacey Abrams qualified on Tuesday.
    • Abrams came within 55,000 votes in her race against Kemp in 2018.  


3. Georgia's corporate giants react to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 


Tomorrow on Political Rewind:

We are back on video on Friday. Watch us live at and And watch us on GPB-TV at 7pm on Fridays.