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Happy Ending For Dog For The Day Socks
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Back in June, the team from our radio show On Second Thought played host to Socks, as part of Fulton County Animal Services new Dog for the Day program.
It’s a nifty concept. People give dogs a break from the shelter environment by taking them out for 24 hours. The dogs wear a visible “adopt me” vest so others know they are looking for homes.
The dogs can go to the park, a person’s house or in our case visit GPB’s pet friendly headquarters.
Socks had a wonderful time mixing and mingling with GPB staff. As a result, one of our employees, Creative Services Manager Lauren Anderson and her boyfriend Alex adopted Socks. They also gave her a new name: Moxie.
For the full story on the Dog for the Day program, listen to this segment from On Second Thought.
Watch the video below of Moxie’s (formerly Socks) visit to GPB.
Interested in the Dog for the Day program? Contact volunteer@fultonanimalservices.com at Fulton County Animal Services to get the requirements.
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