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Ohm's law is explored qualitatively and mathematically and terms such as voltage, current, resistance, and circuit are defined.

Segment F: Ohm’s Law

Segment F: Ohm’s Law

Ohm's law is explored qualitatively and mathematically and terms such as voltage, current, resistance, and circuit are defined.



Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical and magnetic force interactions.


Plan and carry out an investigation of the relationship between voltage, current, and power for direct current circuits.


Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of and relationships between electricity and magnetism.


Use mathematical and computational thinking to support a claim regarding relationships among voltage, current, and resistance.

-Define Ohm’s Law in words and mathematically.

-Define voltage, current, and resistance.

-Discuss under what circumstances Ohm’s Law is accurate and when it is not.

-Explore how Ohm found the relationship between the voltage and current in a wire of a given resistance.

circuit - a closed loop through which electrical charges can continuously flow.

current (I) - the flow of electric charge per unit time; SI unit is the ampere (A).

electric potential (V) - also known as voltage, the energy capacity of a unit of charge; the SI unit is the volt (V).

Ohm’s Law - law formulated by Georg Ohm that relates current, voltage, and resistance within a circuit; voltage is equal to current times resistance.

resistance (R) - the opposition of a material to the flow of electric current; the SI unit is the ohm (Ω).

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