Red Cross trainer Gaines Harman trains volunteers in Macon Government Center.


Red Cross trainer Gaines Harman trains volunteers in Macon Government Center. / GPB News

In the last two days close to 200 people have shown up for Red Cross volunteer training classes. The organization asked for help manning the four shelters that have opened in Macon to house Hurricane Irma evacuees. 

The three hour abbreviated training was developed during the response to Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Normally the classes take several days to complete. 

Gaines Harman with the Red Cross is conducting the classes. He said once certified, the volunteers will be deployed to local shelters. 

"The workers that we have support all those different functions; the dormitory function, the reception function, the feeding function, the coordination of cleaning," he said. "I mean all these things need to happen."

Gaines called the response from Middle Georgia volunteers "pheonomenal."

John Konicki is a retired firefighter from Warner Robins. He said he attended the training after hearing about it on the local news.

"To help others is our number one goal in life I believe," he said. "Our purpose for being here is to help others."

The goal is to deploy the newly certified volunteers to one of the Red Cross shelters in Macon as soon as possible.