Award-winning author Julia Franks' latest novel is the story of two young women contending with unplanned pregnancies in different eras. After a discussion with Julia Franks, Peter and Orlando share some of their thoughts and insights on The Say So.
Is the book always better than the movie? It’s Lit! is a series of smart, funny video essays from PBS Digital Studios about our favorite books and why we love to read. Hosted by Lindsay Ellis, the series delves into topics like the evolution of YA, how science fiction mirrors our own anxieties, and why the book is sometimes just a bit better than the movie.
Imagine if, as an educator, you took the time to carefully select which books you highlighted in your classroom and within your class bookshelf - consider the impact you could have.
Referred to as a “redwood tree, with deep roots in American culture,” Dr. Maya Angelou gave people the freedom to think about their history in a way they never had before.