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TWIA (This Week In Augusta) 07/24/17 | Dog Days, Nature Printing, Jam Fest, More...
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(Event Date Thu-Sat 07/27-29) This Thursday, Friday and Saturday, The A-E Com performing Arts Center hosts, “From Charleston with love: A musical slice of Aiken History”. Performances benefit an organization called “ACTS”…Area Churches Together Serving. Showtimes are 7:30 each night. The A-E Com Performing Arts Center is located at 126 Newberry Street SW in. Tickets and additional information are available at AikenCommunityPlayhouse.com
(Event Date: Fri 07/28) Friday afternoon at 1:00, The Aiken County Library continues their Dog Days of Summer Movie Series. The free weekly event features films about--you guessed it--dogs. This week’s film is Rock Dog, the amusing story of a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff with ambitions to be a musician. The film is being shown at the library, 314 Chesterfield Street Southwest in Aiken. Additional information is available t under the events calendar tab at ABBE -Lib.org.
(Event date: Fri 07/28) Fort Gordon Dinner Theatre opens its run of Mac Cameletti’s play, Don’t Dress for Dinner. The plot involves a romantic evening in a converted French farmhouse filled with foiled deception, hilarious confusion and improvisation. Tickets available for either just the show or both show and dinner. Details including showtimes, dates and ticketing can be found online at fortgordon.com/event
(Event date: Sat 07/29) Phinizy Swamp Nature Park presents a one-day workshop on Nature Printing on Fabric this Saturday from 9 to 3. Led by Nature Printer and teacher John Doughty, all materials are provided for creating your own work of natural art. Space is limited and registration is required. Additional info available at http://phinizycenter.org/events/nature-printing-on-fabric
(Event date: Sat 07/29) This Saturday from 11 to 1, the Aiken Visitors Center & Train Museum presents the music of Spirit Fiddle featuring Champion Fiddler Robin Warren and Guitarist Brian Clancey. The duo performs a variety of energetic music including Texas swing, sweet waltzes, bluegrass and Celtic jigs. The Visitors Center is located at 406 Park Avenue SE in Aiken. More info online at VisitAikenSC.com under the Calendar tab.
(Event Date Sat 07/29) The Aiken Electric Cooperative presents “Bustin Clays for The United Way”, this Saturday, beginning at 8am. It’s an event for shooters of all levels, offering a day full of competitive shooting, games and prizes. It takes place at The National Wild Turkey Federation Palmetto Shooting Complex on Gary Hill Road in Edgefield, South Carolina. More info under the “Join Us” tab at AikenCo-op.org
(Event Date: Sat 07/29) Augusta Chess Club presents their beginners chess class. This class will be open to anyone who wants to learn how to play chess. It’s this Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at The Book Tavern in Downtown Augusta located on Broad Street. Additional information is available at AugustaChess.com.
(Event Date: Sat 07/29) CSRA Churches United presents their 1st Annual Jam Fest. During this event, you can enjoy free food, games and so much more. School supplies will be given out. It’s this Saturday at 11 a.m. at the JSAC Student Center on Augusta University’s Summerville Campus. More information is available at the Students of Salvation Facebook page.
(Event date: Wed 08/02) On Wednesday, August 2nd, it’s Stable View Jumper Night at Aiken’s Stable View Farms. It’s a unique opportunity offered on the 1st Wednesday of each month for horses and riders to jump under the lights. Spectators are welcome. You can learn more about the Jumper Night event--including categories, awards and driving directions--online at stableviewfarms.com.
(Event Date: Fri 08/04) The Augusta-Richmond County Public Library System is hosting their SENIOR senior prom Great Gatsby Dinner Dance on Friday, August 4th. Attendees are invited to dress as flappers, silent film stars, or even gangsters for this roaring twenties themed event. It takes place at the library headquarters branch downtown on Telfair street. Additional information is available on the calendar at Eventbrite.com
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