More pizza has arrived for The Three Goats (Los tres chivos). Finding it too hot to eat, they accidentally leave it out for the Monster (el Monstruo) to eat. After enjoying the pizza, the Monster sees a purple toy car and a purple house made of blocks. He becomes very frightened, breaking the car and knocking over the house before running into a fence. The Three Goats confront the Monster, who decides to conquer his fear by fixing their toys. Still not satisfied, The Three Goats persuade the Monster to order more pizza.

Episode 116: Monster Mayhem

From Salsa, Salsa 1
Episode 116: Monster Mayhem

More pizza has arrived for The Three Goats (Los tres chivos). Finding it too hot to eat, they accidentally leave it out for the Monster (el Monstruo) to eat. After enjoying the pizza, the Monster sees a purple toy car and a purple house made of blocks. He becomes very frightened, breaking the car and knocking over the house before running into a fence. The Three Goats confront the Monster, who decides to conquer his fear by fixing their toys. Still not satisfied, The Three Goats persuade the Monster to order more pizza.

morado/morada, las orejas (purple, ears)

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