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On Second Thought For Monday, December 11, 2017
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The Trump Administration’s immigration crackdown has led to an uptick in arrests nationwide. New federal data show arrests in Georgia and the Carolinas are also up from the last fiscal year. The president’s push to be tough on illegal immigration also includes policies to build a massive wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Historian Kenneth C. Davis explains that anti-immigrant sentiment is older than America itself.
This month, doctors in China were scheduled to perform the first-ever head transplant. Due to pressure from the medical community, the procedure has been pushed back to 2018, citing ethical concerns. The Neuroethics Program at Emory University is leading the international debate about the surgery. We talk about the issues with Paul Wolpe, Director of Center for Ethics at Emory. Also Jordan Amadio, Chief Resident in Neurosurgery at Emory.
Two U.S. Congressmen resigned last week: one Democrat, one Republican. They are the latest men to take responsibility for sexual misconduct allegations flooding the news cycle. Sarah Cook is a Georgia State University psychology professor, who says how we describe this wave of accountability is important. She offers a commentary.
Squidbillies is Atlanta-based Adult Swim’s third longest-running animated series. It’s based on the show-creators’ experiences here in Georgia – and features a cast of anthropomorphic redneck squids. The eleventh season of Squidbillies comes to close this Sunday on Adult Swim. Co-creators Dave Willis and Jim Fortier recently joined us.
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