Gerrymandering, population shifts, the tomato sandwich,

Earlier this month the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments that could change how Georgia lawmakers draw districts for Congress and state legislative seats. The case hinges on allegations of gerrymandering in two Georgia districts. Plaintiffs claim these districts were redrawn to discriminate against black voters, and create an advantage for Republicans. We break down what gerrymandering really is, and the incredible impact it has on the nation.

We continue our coverage of gerrymandering in Georgia with Kennesaw State’s Kerwin Swint, a political science professor.

As Hispanic populations grow in the South, already problematic color lines are shifting. It’s particularly evident in South Georgia. GPB’s Sean Powers reports on a violent and tragic incident that slowed progress in bringing people of color closer.

The tomato sandwich seems a deceptively simple recipe. But don’t let the sparse ingredients fool you. How best to make this Southern favorite is a matter of strong and varied opinions. Chuck Reece, Editor of The Bitter Southerner online magazine, has an opinion on most everything … including his prescription for the perfect tomato sandwich.

We shift from genteel kitchens to Atlanta road rage. GPB Editor Don Smith has a bone to pick with the state of our roads. It’s time to open the Gripe Bag.