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On Second Thought For Thursday, August 10, 2017
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Mystery Science Theater 3000, Angela Davis, Lucinda Williams
First, imagine being in outer space with two sassy robots, and being forced to watch really bad science fiction movies with them. That’s the premise of the cult classic TV series, Mystery Science Theater 3000. The show is on the road this weekend [August 12] in Atlanta. We talk with series creator, Joel Hodgson.
Then, it’s been three years since 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot dead by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer. The officer is white; Brown was black. The chaos in Ferguson brought to light deeper and disturbing issues involved in policing African Americans. American University Law Professor Angela Davis has edited an anthology of essays about black men and boys who have died at the hands of police. It’s called “Policing the Black Man.” We talk with Davis ahead of her appearance on Thursday August 10, at the Atlanta History Center.
Finally, country artist Lucinda Williams first achieved commercial breakthrough with her 1998 album, “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.” She’s won three Grammy Awards, and was named one of the greatest country artists of all time by Rolling Stone magazine this year. Now, she’s on tour promoting her 12th studio album, “The Ghosts of Highway 20,” which reflects on her time living in Georgia. We talk with Lucinda ahead of a performance in Atlanta on Thursday, August 10.
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