The Breakroom panel (l to r): Natalie Pawelski, host Celeste Headlee, Eric Segall, Steve Brown, and Roxanne Donovan


The Breakroom panel (l to r): Natalie Pawelski, host Celeste Headlee, Eric Segall, Steve Brown, and Roxanne Donovan / On Second Thought

The Breakroom gang joins host Celeste Headlee to weigh in on the week's news. The panel includes Steve Brown of the Fayette County Board of Commissioners, Natalie Pawelski of Cater Communications, Georgia State University professor Eric Segall, and Kennesaw State University professor Roxanne Donovan.


1) The U.S. House of Representatives has narrowly approved a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Next stop: the Senate. Health care was also in the spotlight -- literally -- when Jimmy Kimmel shared news of his newborn son’s life and death open-heart surgery. Kimmel urged lawmakers to consider the consequences of what they are deciding. Do you think his appeal was appropriate? Or effective?

2) President Trump saw the House’s action as a victory. Last weekend, on his 100th day in office,  he discussed an insight, involving the job of president.

Trump still wants the job. He’s already running a campaign commercial for 2020. How about you? Would you ever want to be president?

3) Beer can lubricate conversation. It can also derail it. A new ad from Heineken takes this idea, and runs with it by featuring people with views that are polar opposite. They wind up clinking brews.

What do you think? If you find someone’s beliefs totally offensive, or just outlandish, does that mean you won’t get to know them? Or don’t want to?

4) One music fest you can be grateful you missed is Fyre Festival in the Bahamas.

Promoted as two weeks of "culinary delights and luxury,” it turned out be mud, tents, no-show artists, and cheese sandwiches. At the last minute, organizers called it off. Many people were stranded. There’s now a class action lawsuit against the festival organizers. They want their money back, and then some. Should organizers have to pay damages to those who bought tickets?

5) Speaking of tickets, a new study reveals why traffic tickets are so outlandishly expensive in Georgia. According to a report from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, judges in Georgia have to add a bunch of surcharges to tickets. A person pulled over with a suspended license will likely face surcharges of more than $400. And that’s in addition to a ticket that might be more than $1,000, and lane changing in Gwinnett County can cost you $175.

6) U.S. Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) wants to outlaw selling Purple Heart Medals. He says these military awards are often lost or stolen, then sold by secondhand dealers. Do you support a ban on the sale of these medals?

7) A recent Reuters poll finds many Americans believe race relations are getting worse. Nearly 3,000 adults rated the danger of racism and bigotry in America. Nearly 35 percent said racism and bigotry are a imminent threat to the country. Do you agree?

8) We've all dreamed or fantasized about traveling through time. Researchers have proposed a mathematical model that makes time travel possible. It couples Einstein’s theory of general relativity and the possibility time is not a separate dimension. Hence time travel is possible. If you could travel through time, where would you go?


9) Not to rain on Georgia’s parade, but the website Wallethub finds Georgia is one of the nation’s 10 least fun states. That’s based on entertainment, recreation, nightlife and such. Which state do you think is the most fun?

A motorist gets pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol officer.


A motorist gets pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol officer. / flickr