Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, right, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, center, and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton share a laugh during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, Oct. 20, 2016.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, right, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, center, and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton share a laugh during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, Oct. 20, 2016. / AP Photo

Today on "Political Rewind," our panel of political insiders reviews the numbers of the latest AJC poll. Trust remains a major issue for Clinton and fitness for the presidency is hurting Trump's polling numbers.  

Controversies continue to make headlines and drive the conversation surrounding this election season. FBI investigations, emails, tax returns, and much more continue to plague both candidates. Our panelists discuss the challenges that Trump and Clinton will face over the last few weeks leading to Election Day. 

The Al Smith fundraising dinner, an evening known for humor and a chance to laugh before Election Day, shifted from light-hearted humor to uncomfortably placed jokes. Panelists discuss whether or not the jokes went too far and how this season continues to break from tradition as we approach Election Day.  



Jim Galloway - AJC Political Insider Blog

Billy Linville - Strategic Advisor, Baker Donelson 

Andra Gillespie - Associate Professor of Political Science, Emory University

Jennifer Hazelton - Communications Director, Georgia Trump-Pence Campaign


Post written by GPB News intern Robert Jimison.