Photo courtesy NASA.

Space seems to be pelting the earth with stuff. Earlier this morning a meteor hurdled past Russia’s Ural Mountains, causing explosions and hurting hundreds. This afternoon a small asteroid named 2012 DA14 will flyby the Earth coming within 28,000 km of our planet. And you can watch the action right here thanks to our pals at NASA!

NASA TV will provide commentary starting at 2 p.m. EST for a half hour through their ustream channel. That’s the time of the asteroid’s closest approach. (You can watch real time imagery of the asteroid starting at
12 p.m. though, right here just scroll down).
Then at 9 p.m. eastern time, they will stream the flyby for three hours when their telescope at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. You can also watch that here by scrolling down.

Some Facts About the Asteroid (aka 2012 DA 14)
  • It’s half the size of a football field - 150 feet wide.
  • It’s the largest object of its type to be seen coming this close to Earth.
  • NASA says it won’t hit our planet.
  • It was discovered by amateur astronomers.
  • Asteroids of its type come by every 40 years.
Watch NASA's Feed and Live Commentary on the Flyby Starting at 12 p.m.

Live stream by Ustream

Watch the Asteroid Flyby from the Marshall Space Center Telescope a 9 p.m.

Free live streaming by Ustream