GPB News 2022 Runoff Election FAQ


Georgia’s U.S. Senate race is heading to a runoff election after no candidate garnered more than 50 percent of the vote. The runoff will be held four weeks after the general election on Dec. 6. 

The new election law reduced the number of weeks between the general and runoff elections from nine weeks to four. 

GPB News is partnering with America Amplified to answer your questions about the runoff. Here are some of the top questions we have been able to answer thus far. 

If you have a question about how, when or where to vote in the general runoff election, Submit your question on our form on our Election 2022 page or by texting “GPB” to 855-670-1777.

You asked and we answered!

  • Q: If I voted by mail in the general election, do I need to complete a new request to vote by mail for the general runoff?

    A: In most cases, yes. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Monday, Nov. 28. Learn how to do that here. 

    Around 150,000 voters over 65 years old or with disabilities will automatically be rolled over and receive an absentee ballot. 

    Your ballot must be received by your county elections office by 7 p.m. on Election Day. There are several ways to return your ballots: by mail with the included envelope, hand-delivered to your county elections office or in drop boxes.

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  • Q: If I didn’t vote in the general election, can I vote in the general runoff?

    A: If you are already registered to vote, but didn’t vote in the general election, you can vote in the Dec. 6 runoff. The deadline to register to vote in this election was Nov. 7, 2022, so if you registered after that date you will not be able to vote in the runoff. 


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  • Q: Is there early voting for the general runoff and, if so, when does it begin and when does voting end?

    A: By law, early voting can start "as soon as possible" and must start a week before the election and will run from Monday, Nov. 28 through Friday, Dec. 2. The Secretary of State's office said counties may offer early voting sooner, though by law there will not be voting on Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving or that Saturday, Nov. 26.


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  • Q: How can I confirm that I am still registered to vote?

    A: You can confirm if you’re registered to vote by visiting the Secretary of State’s website.

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  • Q: Do I have to put a copy of an ID with my absentee ballot application?

    A: Georgia does require photo identification when voting, either in person or absentee. When voting absentee, write the number from your driver’s license or other state ID on the application for your ballot. You can see all the ID requirements on the Secretary of State’s website.

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  • Do I need to bring an ID to the polls with me?

    A: Yes. Voters are required to show a photo ID at the polls. Those can include:

    • A state of federal photo ID;
    • A Georgia drivers license (even if expired);
    • A College student ID from a Georgia public college or university;
    • Any valid state or federal employee ID; 
    • A U.S. Passport;
    • A military ID;
    • A tribal photo ID

    Georgians can get a free photo ID at their county registrar's office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services


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  • Q: Can I wear a shirt supporting who I plan to vote for?

    A: No. Nothing with a candidate’s name, political party or slogan can be brought within 150 feet of the polls. This includes campaign clothing and hats.

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  • Am I allowed to take a picture with my ballot?

    A: Taking pictures of your ballot is NOT allowed. The Secretary of State’s website says this is to protect against vote buying. 


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  • Q: If I mess up my ballot on Election Day, what should I do?

    A: Mistakes happen. You can ask a poll worker for a new ballot. If voting absentee, you would need to contact your county elections office.


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  • Are elderly voters allowed to skip waiting in line?

    A: Yes. Voters 75 years old or older are allowed to skip the line. Voters who are disabled or need assistance may also skip the line, according to the Secretary of State’s website.


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