A virtual version of a fruit fly’s visual system could help scientists understand how brain networks process information. The model could also lead to more efficient AI systems.
A new report shows rapid development of new cancer treatment and detection is helping people live more. But more people are also getting diagnosed, and at younger ages.
Women have been complaining that doctors don't warn them how much an IUD insertion can hurt — or offer pain relief. Now the CDC is recommending that doctors do more to help.
Several new studies find promising evidence that the GLP-1 class of drugs may have a cancer-preventive effect, especially for cancers linked to obesity.
Advocates are still fighting to get the psychedelic drug approved as a mental health treatment, despite its rejection by the FDA's advisory committee in June. They face an uphill battle.
Early in life, the protein Reelin helps assemble the brain. Later on, it appears to protect the organ from Alzheimer’s and other threats to memory and thinking.
Scientists scanned the brains of people who took psilocybin, including a member of the research team. The scans showed how the drug disrupts key networks, potentially enhancing brain plasticity.
Doctors say they can boost the odds donated organs will be usable by restarting blood circulation with a pump after donors are declared dead. Critics say the procedure blurs the definition of death.
Medical amputation isn't a uniquely human form of medicine, it turns out. Some ant species will cut off the limbs of injured buddies when it's necessary to save them.