The social media company discontinues its CrowdTangle tool, which researchers have used to track misinformation. Amid fears of election interference, lawmakers have urged Meta to keep it running.
A new report by Children and Screens rounds up the changes spurred by the U.K.'s Age Appropriate Design Code, which went into effect in 2020. Similar laws are being considered in the U.S.
A new movement has emerged in recent years: de-influencing. What started as a backlash to advertising could now have a surprising and real-world impact on the environment.
The social media company says it's introducing new policies to restrict teens from seeing posts about suicide, self-harm and eating disorders on Facebook and Instagram.
Former engineer Arturo Bejar says he repeatedly raised the alarm to company execs about Instagram's harm to teens and they failed to act. Senators vow to pass a social media law this year.
More than 40 states filed legal actions against Meta on Tuesday, alleging that the company intentionally designed features that hooked a generation of young people.
Twelve voting rights organizations tell Meta its new social media site Threads needs a robust plan to ensure election disinformation doesn't go viral during the 2024 elections.
Research conducted at the height of the 2020 election reveals new details about how Facebook's algorithms handle political content. But it suggests there are no easy fixes to political polarization.
From Australia to Canada, Big Tech has resisted lawmakers' efforts to force them to pay news publishers for carrying their articles. Now, that battle is playing out in California.
Oversight board says Facebook parent Meta appears to be more concerned with avoiding "provoking" VIPs and evading accusations of censorship than balancing tricky questions of free speech and safety.