Fulton County families make the first bags after the County Clerk office held a ribbon-cutting for its new food pantry June 12, 2023.
Credit: Amanda Andrews / GPB News
|Updated: June 13, 2023 2:06 PM
LISTEN: Community leaders joined Fulton County officials to open a new food pantry.
GPB’s Amanda Andrews has more.
Fulton County families make the first bags after the County Clerk office held a ribbon-cutting for its new food pantry June 12, 2023.
Community leaders joined Fulton County officials at the courthouse Monday for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new food bank. The community food pantry is part of the Fulton County Clerk of the Superior and Magistrate Courts community 'ArtReach' program.
Recent data from Feeding America reports 1 in 9 Georgians are food insecure. Deputy Chief of Staff Nicholas Cotten said they saw a need in the community.
“It’s no doubt that there is a food desert in the metro area,” he said. “We see it all the time. We see families that come into our office that are in need.”
The courthouse will house the food pantry and a donation bank. Food donations come from staff and community partners with the pantry expected to feed an estimated 30 to 40 families a month.
Yvette Henderson is one of the first people to receive groceries. She said more families should know about these resources.
“I appreciate it being in the courthouse, but a lot of people wasn’t invited and didn’t know about it," Henderson said. “So, if we could just expand it out a little more. I know the need is great, so if we could get some more of these out that would be wonderful.”
Families can register to receive food or nominate another family to benefit from the pantry on the clerk’s website.