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On Second Thought For Friday, July 13, 2018
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The vetting and speculation are over. Now it’s the politicking and predictions. That’s with Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, Americans get a real time refresher course on how a judge gets to the supreme court. but, how do cases get there? U.S. government has three branches. The legislative branch writes the laws. The executive branch enforces the laws. And the judicial branch interprets the laws to decide if they are constitutional. Just like there are cities, counties, and states, the judicial branch includes local, state, and regional courts.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the judicial branch, which makes it the most important court in the entire country.
Fred Smith, Associate Professor of Law at Emory explains further on how a case gets to the Supreme Court.
On Second Thought's full show for Friday, July 13, 2018.
E-cigarettes hit the market not too long ago as an aid to quit smoking. The CDC reported in 2015 that more than 9 million American adults vape regularly. Juuls are the new trendy e-cigarette that have become very popular among teens. It's an USB size e-cigarette that uses "pods" for the source of nicotine. College and high school campuses are having issues with the amount of teenagers who are taking on this new nicotine fad.We sat down with Michael Eriksen, the Dean of Public Health at Georgia State University to talk about a study he conducted on the effects of E-cigarettes. They discovered that electronic cigarettes showed no evidence to help regular smokers to quit their nicotine habits. We also spoke with Amy Barkley, a regional advocate for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
We also talked about the upcoming high school football season that is just around the corner. Students are already on the field practicing. Before teams hit the gridoron, the GPB Sports team stopped by to talk about the upcoming season. Host, John Nelson and play-by-play correspondent, Matt Stewart discussed the off-season turnovers involving coaches. They also talked about health concerns for student athletes and recruitment. The GPB Sports team will provide live coverage on high school football beginning Friday, September 14th at 7:00 pm. You can follow updates on Twitter: @GPBSports and use #GPBSports
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