In response to the staggering number of childhood obesity cases in the United States, the American Heart Association and the National Football League are teaming up for the NFL Play 60 Challenge. The goal is to reach and inspire physically-active lifestyles in schools and homes across the country. Discovery Education joined the efforts and in collaboration with AHA and NFL they have created a custom set of lessons, videos, and interactive activities.

The lessons, designed for grades 6-8, will teach your students about the impact of physical activity on health and wellness. Aligned to National Physical Education Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and state standards for grades 6-8, all of the lessons are both fun and interactive.

To encourage your students to get their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity a day, try using this series of quick workout videos, featuring Washington Redskins’ player Ryan Kerrigan. These videos focus on movements that increase coordination, stabilization, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and strength. Best of all, these short videos can be used at home or in class as enrichment to the interactive lessons.

You can also get students moving with the NFL Play 60 app! They  can run, jump, and turn while holding their device. The character on the game will match the students’ movements while navigating through the endless runner game.