Did you manage to take a deep dive into the enigmatic world of Cephalopods during the annual Cephalopod Week? If not, don’t worry! We're here to share some of the tentacled marvels you may have missed.  

On June 28th, GPB bubbled over with the undersea excitement as we hosted an intimate evening dedicated to our favorite invertebrates – charismatic octopi, intriguing cuttlefish, and stealthy squid.  

The heart of the event was none other than Ira Flatow, the dynamic host of Science Friday. With his infectious enthusiasm, Ira ensured our journey into the mysteries of undersea life was as entertaining as it was enlightening. Joining Ira in the conversation were Emily Greene, a senior aquarist at the Georgia Aquarium, and Nicole Johnston, a biology lecturer at Spelman College. Their combined knowledge on cephalopod care and undersea ecosystems became our compass as we navigated the awe-inspiring world of these marine creatures.  

Emily Greene shared fascinating insights from the marine sciences field. Her experiences caring for cephalopods, sea jellies, and other animals painted a vibrant picture of life under the sea.  

Meanwhile, Nicole Johnston brought a wealth of academic knowledge to the discussion. As someone who teaches about coral reefs, undersea ecosystems, and the devastating effects of ocean acidification due to climate change, she helped us appreciate the vital importance of ocean health.  

To whet our appetite for cephalopod facts, we were treated to this intriguing tidbit: Despite having excellent vision that allows them to distinguish various attributes of objects, most cephalopods are color blind. That certainly octo-piqued our thoughts! 

The evening was filled with the kind of infectious enthusiasm that only a cephalo-party can inspire. Those in attendance were able to celebrate the wonder of these creatures and learn about their significance in our ecosystems.  

If you missed the party this time, you can learn more about it here.  Trust us, you won’t want to miss out on the oceanic treat that is Cephalopod Week! And until then, let’s keep exploring, questioning, and protecting our incredible undersea world.