Gov. Nathan Deal budget hearings

A key Georgia House committee has approved Gov. Nathan Deal's proposal to take over schools dubbed "chronically failing" and place them in a state-run district.

The House Education Committee recommended the constitutional amendment and accompanying legislation Monday. The amendment requires two-thirds approval in the House and a statewide vote planned for 2016. It has already passed the Senate.

Deal's plan would let an appointed superintendent select up to 20 schools deemed failing each year and make them into charters, close them or overhaul management. Up to 100 schools could be included in the district.

Minor changes in the bill allows the superintendent to consider ongoing efforts at improvement when selecting schools for the district.

Education groups representing school boards and teachers held a rally earlier in the state Capitol, chanting and waving signs. They say the proposal is insulting to teachers and students working to overcome poverty and other factors.

Tags: education, education reform plan, failing schools takeover plan, governor nathan deal's school takeover plan, school rescue plan passes key Georgia House committee, failing schools takeover plan passes house committee