A new report ranks Georgians last in the nation for overall financial security.

The Washington, D.C. based Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) also gives the Peach State an "F" for financial assets and income.

The report says, about one in three Georgians have little to no savings.

That makes them more vulnerable if they lose their jobs or have to pay large medical bills.

Suzanne Donovan of the anti-poverty group Step Up Savannah says, a nine-point-seven jobless rate is hurting Georgia.

"As a state and locally, we are still really struggling with unemployment," she says. "I also think that we start here in Georgia at a lower wage level than many other areas."

The report also ranks Georgia in the bottom-five states for households without bank accounts, bankruptcies, consumers with sub-prime credit scores and borrowers 90-days or more overdue on bills.

Jennifer Brooks of CFED says, the report is aimed at giving a broad view of the economy.

"It paints a picture of a state that has been hit hard by unemployment, continues to be hit hard by foreclosures," she says. "It looks like you've got another bubble coming of even greater foreclosures."

Tags: jobs, GPB News, Suzanne Donovan, Step Up Savannah, Jennifer Brooks, Corporation for Enterprise Development