The cost of snow and ice removal could have implication on the state budget. As state government is looking for cuts it also has to find funding for emergencies.

There’s no final price tag yet on how much the Georgia Department of Transportation had to spend to keep the interstates passable after the snow storm, but officials say their winter season funds are almost exhausted. Governor Nathan deal says his mid year budget adjustments do not include DOT funding changes.

“We have not built in anything for that specifically but obviously that is one of those adjustments that has to be made within their own budgets.”

As winter storms appear to be more frequent in North Georiga,Democratic minority leader Stacey Abrahms says state government needs to respond.

“The last two years we have faced emergency snow removal, and I think we have to get to a point where we realize that snow is no longer an emergency, but a fact of life.”

As Georgia’s budget for next year is about a billion dollars short Governor Deal is requesting an additional 3 percent cut to many state agencies.

Tags: weather, Georgia weather, Ga Department of Transportation