Governor Perdue today defended Nathan Deal’s financial troubles that resulted from his daughter’s failed sporting goods store. Susanna Capelouto Reports.

Nathan Deal adjusted his financial reports this week with the help of a forensic accountant. It shows that he has property he could sell to meet his debts. Over 2 million of which will come due in February. Governor Perdue says Nathan Deal did nothing wrong.

“He is smart, he is able, he is competent and while all of us would like for everything we do to succeed sometimes we have family members and that’s not possible. And the fact is I could have seen myself having done the same thing.”

A political analyst with the University of Virginia rated the Georgia Governor’s race as a toss up. But a Rasmussen poll this week shows while Deal’s numbers have dropped he’s still leading Roy Barnes.

Tags: Sonny Perdue, Nathan Deal, Georgia gubernatorial race 2010, Nathan Deal Debt