US Representative Tom Price (R-Roswell) is among three lawmakers House investigators have recommended be further investigated to determine whether political contributions were improperly linked to votes on the huge financial overhaul bill.

The independent House Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the member-run House ethics committee also pursue potential rules violations by Republican John Campbell of California and Democrat Joseph Crowley of New York.

President Barack Obama signed the financial overhaul bill into law July 21. It aims to restrain Wall Street excesses with the most sweeping overhaul of financial rules since the Great Depression, clamping down on lending practices and expanding consumer protections to address failures that precipitated the 2008 meltdown that knocked the economy to its knees.

Rep. Price voted against the bill.

Here is Price’s statement:

“As a member of Congress, I have always complied with the letter and the spirit of the law. To suggest otherwise is unfounded and untrue. In addition, my voting record and opposition to a culture of taxpayer-funded bailouts has been and always will be unshakable.

“How the OCE arrived at their recommendation is truly a mystery. There being no evidence of any wrongdoing or any inconsistency in my policy position, one can only guess as to the motive behind their decision or even why they chose to initiate a review in the first place.

"Nevertheless, I look forward to the Committee on Standards dismissing this action. My constant allegiance to a transparent and conscious divide between my official duties as a member of Congress and my actions as a candidate is without question.

“Moving forward, I will continue to fight actively on behalf of the citizens of the Sixth District of Georgia against policies and an agenda that has politicized our economy and perpetuated a culture of bailouts. As always, my efforts to gain a more principled, limited government and my policy decisions will be based entirely on what is in the best interests of my constituents and our country.”

Tags: Nathan Deal, investigation, Tom Price, ethics, U.S. House, roswell