Former House Speaker Glenn Richardson transfered more than $200,000 from one account to another. Now the State Ethics Commission is investigating to see if the money shift broke the law.

According to state records, former Speaker Richardson took the $217,000 from his campaign fund and put it in his political action committee.

The ethics commission's inquiry has renewed calls in the Georgia House for reforming campaign contribution rules.

But GOP House Ethics Committee Chair, Joe Wilkinson, says a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is making that task more challenging.

"The recent Supreme Court decision regarding Citizens United is changing the landscape. So I'm having to go slow...I'm having to get more information and more opinions from legal scholars."

The ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court means corporations can give money directly to candidates. Supporters say it reinforces free speech guarantees, while opponents say the ruling means money will influence political races even more.

Tags: U.S. Supreme Court, campaign funds, Glenn Richardson, Georgia Ethics Commission, campaign finance