The frigid weather in Georgia has meant a spike in business for plumbing companies. With temperatures in the northern portion of the state below freezing for the past week, water pipes are bursting.

In Atlanta, workers just finished repairs on the last of nearly 50 busted city water mains since the cold snap began January 1st.

And for private plumbing companies, many have been logging overtime hours to keep up with repair calls. Mike Guerra is with Ridge Plumbing in Blue Ridge.

"Numerous frozen wells and broken pipes -- still going on today...they’re still calling today. We’ve probably been 50 percent busier this week."

And Guerra says a new round of repair calls could be on the way when temperatures warm and some pipes thaw-out, exposing cracks.

He says the best defense against frozen pipes -- extra insulation, and letting faucets drip.

Tags: Georgia, north Georgia, cold weather, plumbing, frozen pipes, burst pipes, water pipes, frigid weather, Blue Ridge