While the Governor doesn’t have the authority to require state universities to furlough employees he has reduced funding in the amount equivalent to the savings 3 furlough days would provide.

The decision to actually furlough professors is up to the Board of Regents.

Regents spokesman John Millsaps says they are still deciding how to cut costs but that increasing tuition might be one solution.

"Tuition is also an action you can take. It’s based upon a compact in which the state provides roughly 75 percent of the cost of instruction. Because of budget cuts we’ve seen that compact shift a little bit."

Millsaps says that everything is on the table including reduced funding to individual universities and furloughs.

The Board of Regents has until August to come up with ways to reduce its budget.

Tags: budget cuts, furloughs, georgia board of regents, University System of Georgia, tuition