A tender memory of feet in the sand with my son!

So, I’m starting a business and launching a TV show and it is such intense work -- of course it is also very fulfilling as I’m working in service to teachers! But WOW – my goodness, the intensity! It reminded me today of how similar this is to teaching – so much to do in so little time with so many mountains to climb! Whenever I get overwhelmed, I stop and remember some simple good thing that makes me smile, then, every time, my energy comes back and I am fresh and ready to go tackle the world!

Today I had such a moment and decided to share it with you! I thought of my last trip to the beach this year – and the simple pleasure of being with my husband and 11 year old son with our feet in the sand. Grateful for the memory, the moment, the simple good thing. Just the kind of gratitude that Ann Voscamp talks about in her book