Inspire literacy in science while students learn about gravity and how objects move.

Anyone who has worked in Education for any length of time, volunteers at an afterschool program, or owns their own child knows that getting kids to read can be challenging. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as many as 20% of Georgians lacked basic literacy skills (most recent study from 2003). reports, “on the 2009 NAEP Reading Test, about 26 percent of eighth graders and 27 percent of twelfth graders scored below the “basic” level.”

PBS Learning Media has designed a program to support reading skills for middle schoolers called Inspiring Middle School Literacy. They have aligned Common Core standards with media-rich lesson plans to make for compelling and intriguing classroom time for you and your students.

The Middle School Literacy collection topics cover Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, incorporating the Common Core objective to integrate subjects.

Check out this video introduction for Inspiring Middle School Literacy.