The first five years of life for children are periods of rapid development. Throughout this stretch of time, they are reaching milestones, exploring the world, forming relationships, and developing trust. Finding resources that are entertaining and educational can be difficult, but with the help of the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, you have nothing to worry about!

Introducing the Planning Educational Activities for Children (PEACH) site. PEACH is an interactive website that puts thousands of high-quality, developmentally appropriate activities at your fingertips. All of the activities are designed for children age birth to five years and are directly linked to the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS).


What are GELDS? GELDS are a set of standards for children, birth to age five, that provide appropriate, attainable milestones. They are divided into categories such as Physical Development and Motor Skills, Social and Emotional Development, Approaches to Play and Learning, and Cognitive Development and General Knowledge. Visit for more information about these standards and to access them.


Activities and lesson plans found on the PEACH site are directly aligned to all of the GELDS standards and are even listed at the bottom of each exercise. Using PEACH allows teachers and even parents the ability to:

Create Customized Lesson Plans and Include Multiple Age Groups on the Same Lesson Plan

Individualized learning is a major component of education for students today. The ability to create customized lesson plans as well as include multiple age groups within the same lesson plan can help you tailor lessons to the abilities and interest of each learner more effectively. You can also add multiple children’s names to individualize activities. This is perfect for parents who have young children of different ages and learning stages. 

 Plan Your Entire Day with Fun-Filled Learning Experiences

PEACH allows you to choose a variety of activities in each of the GELDS domains. As you are planning your day, you can ensure that all of your child’s daily interactions incorporate learning.

Track Progress

Design a plan to assess children’s progress. This is perfect for determining what to do next with each child and what areas need improvement. You can also plan adaptions or modifications as needed.

Access Resources

Think you have to develop everything from scratch? Guess again. PEACH allows you to listen to audio examples of songs and even view images of how to create materials and games. You can upload videos, audio files, and photos from your computer, and the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning has a variety of videos that provide guidance on maximizing the learning of your children and students.


These are just some of the things PEACH has to offer. We encourage you to register at the site to explore even more of their content and resources. Registering for PEACH is easy! Enter an e-mail address, choose a password and you are ready to go! For more information visit the PEACH website.

Talk to us! Leave a comment below sharing how you use the Peach site with your students or children. We love to hear from you!