Downton Abbey Engagement Calendar (Photo from Downton Abbey Addicts)

Check out these photos from the upcoming Downton Abbey Engagement calendar. Look closely and they may give away clues as to what is coming up in season 4: Edith going ahead with an affair with her editor and being happy about it? Mrs. Hughes basking in the glow of a promotion? Tom and Mary having playdates with their kids.? Take a look at these photos from the Downton Abbey Addicts blog and tell me what you think they are saying will happen in season 4.

By the way the Downton Abbey Engagement calendar comes out in August.

Is this Edith on a date with her editor Michael Gregson?


Lady Mary and Tom are preparing to go on a playdate, perhaps?


Did Mrs. Hughes get a promotion?


Tom and little Sybil spend quality time with each other.
